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 owen hart by brokenbones

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Posts : 235
Join date : 2012-05-25

owen hart by brokenbones  Empty
PostSubject: owen hart by brokenbones    owen hart by brokenbones  EmptyWed May 30, 2012 10:49 pm

Face Template: 4

Hair: 56/76 (-100,12,-15,0)
*Head Morphing*
Head: 12,5,-36
Forehead: -85,-5,24,53

Eye Type: 2/9 normal style (33,7,-7)
Eyelashes: 1/15 (89,10,37)
Eyebrows: 21/35 (80,0,-17)
Lips: 1/17 (100,0,0)
Teeth: 1/14 (Default)
Skin Tone: 4/12 (100,3,0,15)
Skin Aging: 15

*Face Morphing*
Eyebrows: -100,50,70,-60
Eyes: 10,-14,-65,-71,19,-57,-24
Nose: 38,74,-39,74,-10,-3,66,-22
Cheeks: 64,-100,-36,-100
Mouth: -68,-42,-55,-80,7,100,56
Jaw: 68,11,-4,7,30,100
Ears: -32,0,0,0

Body Type: 9/11

Height: 183cm (first click in)
Weight: 105kg (Light Heavyweight)

~Body Shape/Morphing~
Neck: -76,4,15
Chest: 50,3,26
Shoulders: -10,-6,6
Abdomen: -34,45,30
Waist: 45,41
Arms: 0,-1,8
Hands: 0,0,0
Legs: 1,10,21
Feet: -8,0,8

Because of my use of the paint tool in 3 outta 4 attires im just gonna type up each attire with all the layers that are available to simply select and modify as a basic guidline for these attires if you choose to make them yourselves. Logo's will be explained in a general way since the new sizing options etc in SVR2010 don't leave me any way to be more accurate. Layers will be in the same order i have them in, but numbered from 1 onwards so they are clearly divided for easier navigation. I will also include the screen pose i used for each attire at the end of each attires layer formula.

~1st Attire/WMX~
01. Trunks & Underwear: 19/19 (Default)
02. Wrestling Attire: 18/18 (-100,3,-5)
03. Knee Pads: 5/16 (100,-100,-12)
04. Boots & Shoes: 2/44 lowest cut (100,-100,37)
Now select logo's while still in the boots & shoes menu. The next 2 layers are logo's used on the back of the boots to make a silver strip down each one. Place them so they go from the top of the boot down to where the ankle finishes and the foot area begins. Width wise go by the stitiching effect on the back of the boots. On mine the logo's are a little wider than the stitching.
05. Logo's (under boots & shoes) Left Leg/Boot: 103/140
06. Logo's (under boots & shoes) Right Leg/Boot: 103/140
07. Makeup: 16/22 (88,40,-18,100)
08. Makeup: 22/22 (68,-50,0,85)
09. Makeup: 18/22 (92,7,4,5)

Vs. Screen Pose: 7/18

~2nd Attire/KOTR94~
01. Trunks & Underwear: 19/19 (Default)
02. Wrestling Attire: 18/18 (-78,84,88)
03. Knee Pads: 5/16 (-78,84,88)
04. Boots & Shoes: 2/44 lowest cut (100,-100,37)
Now select logo's while still in the boots & shoes menu. The next 2 layers are logo's used on the back of the boots to make a silver strip down each one. Place them so they go from the top of the boot down to where the ankle finishes and the foot area begins. Width wise go by the stitiching effect on the back of the boots. On mine the logo's are a little wider than the stitching.
05. Logo's (under boots & shoes) Left Leg/Boot: 103/140
06. Logo's (under boots & shoes) Right Leg/Boot: 103/140
07. Makeup: 16/22 (88,40,-18,100)
08. Makeup: 22/22 (68,-50,0,85)
09. Makeup: 18/22 (92,7,4,5)

Vs. Screen Pose: 7/18

~3rd Attire/Danger~
01. Wrestling Attire: 15/18 (73,100,100)
02. Wrestling Tights: 4/14 (88,-25,-1,100,100)
03. Trunks & Underwear: 19/19 (Default)
04. Wrestling Attire: 18/18 (-100,-100,-7)
05. Knee Pads: 2/16 (100,-100,-45)
06. Elbows/Left Arm: 2/10 (100,-100,-Cool
07. Boots & Shoes: 2/44 lowest cut (100,-100,37)
08. Makeup: 16/22 (88,40,-18,100)
09. Makeup: 22/22 (68,-50,0,85)
10. Makeup: 18/22 (92,7,4,5)
The following 2 layers make up the yellow diamond shape that surrounds the paint tool made font on the chest. The 1st will be the base of the design, therefore it'll be in yellow. The 2nd will fill in the inside of the design to make the overall design seem hollow. For a general sizing reference just refer to the pics. When creating these 2 layers do it through the logo option under the wrestling attire used in layer 04 of this attire formula..
11. Logo's (under wrestling attire): 92/140 (-8,-16,100,100)
12. Logo's (under wrestling attire): 92/140 (100,-100,-33,100)
The following layer is for entrances and cutscenes only.
08. Glasses: 9/36 (100,-100,-33)

Vs. Screen Pose: 8/18

~4th Attire/High Energy~
01. Trunks & Underwear: 17/19 (22,22,-32)
02. Wrestling Tights: 4/14 (97,-10,0,100,0)
03. Boots & Shoes: 38/44 (100,0,20)
04. Bottoms: 35/41 (100,0,30)
08. Makeup: 16/22 (88,40,-18,100)
09. Makeup: 22/22 (68,-50,0,85)
10. Makeup: 18/22 (92,7,4,5)

Vs. Screen Pose: 15/18

Name: Owen Hart
Nickname: 'The Rocket'
Nickname Placement: Prefix
HUD Name: Owen Hart
Announcer Introduction: The Rocker
Hometown: Calgary, Canada
Weightclass: Light Heavyweight
Crowd Reaction: Cheer/Boo (i picked cheer but its you're choice)
Show: Legend
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